Saturday, July 08, 2006

Wedding Saga Part III

Friday, June 23rd, evening

The wedding rehearsal, according to my conversation with Green Gables owner Teresa, was to start at 6:30 so that we could make it to the 7:30 rehearsal dinner. Unfortunately, Theresa had written it down for 7:00 and was busy with the wedding in progress. Fortunately, this was just fine as the best man was still enroute with our officiant. They made it by 6:45, hugs were exchanged with a very tired Cats, and we got organized.

The rehearsal itself was quick and more of a logistics plot between Cats and Teresa. My one concern was location. We had originally decided the back lawn would be an ideal setting, but Pros and I had realized that the patio overlooking the lawn would be a much better idea. Dad wanted to stick with the original plan and pointed out the improving weather. Pros pointed out the standing pools of water on the lawn. I pointed out how much we had spent on my wedding dress while pointing out said pools. Cats pointed out that she could conduct the service just fine from the exact point where she was standing. Teresa pointed out that we would all fit on the patio with no problem. Point, set, match.

Mom drove Cats back to Quill Haven to change clothes before dinner while the rest of us headed back to the Quality Inn. We were a little late due to the drive from Green Gables, so we entered the room to sighs of relief and some applause. Lots of cousins, tons of teachers (including my high school principal) and my new grandfather in law were there. I was amazed how happy New Grampa was to meet me, considering I had heard he wasn’t fond of anyone of any kind of ethnic minority. My Grampa, as usual, had the camera going at full tilt. This is a man who took pictures of the buffet at my 30th birthday party, so I just shook my head and insist that not all pictures be posed so I could get a glass of wine during photos. Thankfully, he agreed long enough to pose with me and the wine glass.

As we settled in for dinner, I realized that Lynx and her husband were still not there. I wanted to call her to make sure she was okay, but realized I didn’t have her cell phone number, leaving me to stare at her place card on the front table. Cats kept me distracted by insisting that she sit in between Pros and me through dinner. I’ve known Cats a long time. Having her for a chaperone was one of the funniest moments of the weekend.

I’d talked about the rehearsal dinner with Pros’ stepmom, The Southern Belle. Belle agreed that something Cats had done at her rehearsal dinner was a good idea, so as we finished eating, she stood and requested everyone who wanted to talk, stand up in turn (she’s also a teacher and would have called on raised hands if need be) and tell the story about how they knew us. Oy, the stories had me laughing and blushing. My mother insisted on telling about the time I screamed at a rooster so loudly it keeled over dead. Hey, I was a toddler! About two thirds of the way through, Lynx and hubby stumble into the party and are quickly fed. The poor dears were caught in yet another downpour outside of Pittsburgh!

Somehow, Cats had the last word. Cats’ speech was, at first, identical to the story I told at her rehearsal dinner, and I’ll take the time to tell the story. Cats was a transfer student to Muhlenberg College, but her brother was already a sophomore. She was fine with his pals, but wanted to make her own friends. She went to the drama club party and made the mistake of bringing her brother’s friend Mitchell, a total letch. She realized this and decided to ditch him by sneaking off into a side room, which happened to be mine. I had a single room, but there was enough floor space for a sleeping bag and nothing else. Somehow, there were at least twenty people jammed in there. Cats popped her head into this room and yelled, “HIDE ME!!!” She then JUMPED OVER several people and landed on the bed behind me. By the time Mitchell made it to my dorm room door, Cats was totally hidden and safe. Later, she commented that she’d been at school for weeks and just wanted a friend of her own. Within a minute, I had her phone number committed to memory, and within two days we were inseparable on campus.

This story may have caused the only time I cried the whole weekend.

I could say a thousand things about the bachelorette party, but I'll limit it to the highlights:
  • An overabundance of redheads
  • Loud and fun cover band
  • Several rounds of drinks with an amazing group of gals
  • One lap dance from two of said amazing gals
  • Two bikers attracted by one lap dance
  • One bride shipped off to bed!
To be continued!

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