Saturday, September 20, 2008

Hurricanes in the Midwest?!?

In case you didn't hear it, we were whacked with hurricane force winds here on Sunday that took out power across the state, although we were absolutely fine the whole time. Repairs were further delays because most of Ohio's emergency electricians were deployed to Texas. Friday was my first day with full school capacity, but many of my students are still unable to use their phones or computers. We're hoping the governor will add an extra week of "contingency" days onto the state school year.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Lumpy Mama (but healthy Mama)

Mom called me last night sounding dreadful. "I found a lump in my left breast."

My family is known for being on the dramatic side, but I could tell she wasn't just drawing out a story. She has been doing a fantastic job losing weight and exercising, but something had felt odd as she swung her arms back and forth during her daily walk. She found the lump in the shower yesterday morning and immediately called her OB-GYN, who was out of the office for the holiday. Mom apparently went into a tailspin all day, crying and sleeping, but unable to eat or drink anything besides water.

My reaction to this story? "Hey, isn't it great that you didn't just dive into the refrigerator? This weight loss plan is really working! Now, about the lump, remember you've had these before and you were fine?" It's true. She's had several fibroid tumors removed from both her breasts with no problem.

"That was almost ten years ago. What if this one is different? Why can't I get in touch with the doctor? Maybe I should just camp out in front of the office door in the morning."

I sighed and went into full crisis aversion mode. "Mom, Dr. S will be there in the morning and will absolutely juggle her schedule for you because it's an emergency. In the meantime, you need to let this go for a few hours and try to relax. Keep repeating to yourself that there's nothing you can do about it right now. If you wake up in the middle of the night, repeat that as a mantra and you'll bore yourself back to sleep. "

"I've done nothing but sleep all day. Sleeping, that I can do." I could hear a little lifting of her mood over the phone.

"Good. In the meantime, send me some recipes if it'll help pass the time. I can't figure out anything to cook that I won't ruin. How do you NOT overcook chicken?"

We talked on other topics for a good half hour until I was certain that she could function, and then excused myself so Rockhubby and I could walk to a friend's house for a cookout. When I called to check on her before bed, Dad answered the phone. Apparently he had been unable to comfort or calm Mom all day, and she was happily playing solitaire and watching television after my conversation with her.

Wow. I guess I owed her one after all the times she talked me down from the rafters.

The best part is that Dad called me in the morning. Definitely just the usual fibroid cyst, so the panic is over as quickly as it started. He thanked me again for all my help. I was so surprised, I didn't know what to say.

Crisis averted, Mom still lumpy but not sick, daughter could use a gin and tonic in an hour.