Tuesday, July 26, 2005

REAP Question #1

What are your three (3) most important reasons for wanting to be a teacher?

1) When I was fifteen years old, an adult with whom I was close charged me to "save the world one person at a time." This thought has been with me for years. To date, working with students at the age I was at that time is the best way I can fathom fulfilling this charge.

2) My parents have provided the perfect examples of why education is the most fulfilling career imaginable. Both of them teach at my former high school, and they seem happiest when in the classroom. They have supported me in every way in my work to join their ranks.

3) After more than ten years out of college and in the private sector, there was no perfect match. After three months of student teaching, I now know there is no place that I will find a greater match for my skills. There is no other place where I am more at home than looking into the faces of my students.

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