Thursday, December 29, 2005

Non-Binding Non-Resolutions

Resolutions are a silly thing to manage. Why does the pressure have to be on just in time for my birthday (January 24th, for those in a celebratory mood)? Here's a few things I've already started to do for myself and hope to continue into 2006.

  1. Get to Curves at least two times a week, although three is the goal. Use that Carmen Electra DVD the rest of the time so Pros can also enjoy my exercise regiment. BTW, for those who are against Curves due to their stance against abortion rights, check out the individual center. The one I attend is an independent franchise that does not give to Operation Rescue. The fundraising they do goes towards breast cancer and heart disease research. It's also a great place to gossip.
  2. Make appointments with a new dentist / OB-GYN / dermatologist. Obviously not the same doctor for all issues, but it's time to use the health insurance now that we have it. Time to take better care of my insides now that my outsides are starting to firm up!
  3. Attempt to cook at least one dinner a week. Time to get over my kitchen phobia so Pros doesn't have to do all the cooking. Conversely, I won't have to do all the dishes. At the very least, there's that crock pot cookbook that might turn out some good stuff.
  4. Keep all the stupid wedding crap in perspective. The relationship Pros and I have is more important than whether the flowers are perfect on this one day. People get married all the time (at this place, we had to go for the evening slot because there's two weddings a day there), so it isn't going to make or break society as we know it if it isn't perfect. Getting this through my father's head, on the other hand, isn't as easy...
  5. Start the application process for my Master's program. That includes that stupid refingerprinting that seems to have been lost by the FBI.

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