Tuesday, September 13, 2005


Some schmuck broke into my car this afternoon. Nothing was taken as far as I can tell, not even my stereo, but the right passenger window was smashed in. Okay, my supply of quarters was taken, but not the nickles. What the heck? Most likely the thief or thieves either were scared off by heavy traffic or just couldn't find anything because my car was such a mess.This happened while Pros is still on his geology field trip and I'm trying to get ready to start substitute teaching.

Still can't believe nothing was stolen but I'm going to be out a couple hundred dollars replacing the window. It's going to force me to start taking the bus to and from work (something Pros wanted me to do anyway), but now I'll feel unsafe doing that as well.

As someone said to me a couple of months ago, welcome to the big city! Ugh...


The Surtsey Islander said...

You have my sympathies. My car was broken into a few months ago as well. Nothing of importance was taken (a cell phone charger, a couple of very old CDs) but I'm still out the $100 deductible for the window. They attempted to rip out my stereo but apparently realized it was worthless without the faceplate so left it dangling out of my dashboard (another $30 expense).
Columbus must be having a rash of car break-ins done by stupid/desperate people. Where do you live?

CatNFiddle said...

This happened by the North Market last week. Well, I was forced to park almost at the 670 exit because those are the only meters I can afford for a long work day. Needless to say, I take the bus now.